Science, Religion and Society. Nineteenth-Century Cultural Contexts


di Jan Marten Ivo Klaver
anno 2023
#13 Rewind
pp. 142
ISBN 9791280074799

lingua inglese

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il libro

Nineteenth-century England was a period of change. New discoveries in science and technology challenged traditions, religious creeds and the social fabric of the nation. The century saw the birth of new influential sciences such as geology; it profoundly changed the political landscape; it challenged the way people looked at questions of selfhood and national identity; it started a process of secularization that would become dominant in the twentieth century. The case studies in this book look at Dover as a symbol of Britishness, at the growing friction between science and religion in geology and entomology, at pharmaceutical lobbying, and at how the Carlylean Protestantism in Ford Madox Brownโ€™s Work reveals a changing โ€˜spirit of the ageโ€™.


Jan Marten Ivo Klaver is professor of English Literature and Culture at the University of Urbino. He is the author of Geology and Religious Sentiment: The Effect of Geological Discoveries on English Society and Literature between 1829 and 1859 (1997), The Apostle of the Flesh: A Critical Life of Charles Kingsley (2006), and Scientific Expeditions to the Arab World 1761-1881 (2009). More recently he has published on Kingsley and Newman in The Oxford Handbook of John Henry Newman (2018) and in Charles Kingsley: Faith, Flesh, and Fantasy (2021). His research interests focus on the interaction between eighteenth- and nineteenth-century culture, religion and science.

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