Always on the Verge of Being Found Out. Transitional Phenomena and the Re-Emergence of the Self in David Foster Wallace’s Fiction


di Giulia Affede
anno 2022
#11 Rewind
pp. 250
ISBN 9791280074539

lingua inglese

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il libro

The author of the book proposes a study on the first two novels by David Foster Wallace in the light of Donald W. Winnicott’s psychoanalytic theories, entering the international debate on the paradoxical ambivalence of the contemporary American writer towards postmodernism.

The study makes use of Winnicottian principles such as the essential paradox and transitional phenomena in order to appreciate the coexistence in Wallace’s narrative of inherently postmodern techniques together with elements, such as the characters and the author’s inner self, that seemed doomed to drown with postmodernism, but which instead re-emerge in this analysis of The Broom of the System and Infinite Jest.


Giulia Affede
(Recanati, 1987) is a PhD in Anglo-American literature (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo 2020). She graduated in Languages, Cultures and Literary Translation (Università di Macerata 2016). She is the author of the book Più strani del paradiso. Stranieri ed estranei nel cinema di Jim Jarmusch (Lithos 2019) and the article «Gli eroi senza tempo dell’ultimo Jarmusch» (CineCritica, n. 86/87, April- September 2017), as well as co-author of the book Dylaniati. Testimonianze di una passione (affinità elettive 2020).

…communication that happens in the potential space of transitional phenomena, that is the place and time where subjective and objective, inner and outer, me and not-me are constantly renegotiated and not rigidly stated. This is found in playing and cultural experience, and it consists both of explicit and implicit, communication and non-communication: “[i]t is a sophisticated game of hide-and- seek in which it is a joy to be hidden but a disaster not to be found…

Giulia Affede

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